Option 2. Directly upload HSQC and (optional TOCSY) spectra for processing:
Compound based statistical analysis
Peak based PCA analysis:
Peak matching reliability cutoff:List of previously saved peak matching result:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Excluded from statistical analysis:
Zoom scale: plot size: Contour color: Gray Colorful
Lable this compound
Matched peak list:
consensus peak list at ppm and ppmMatched compound list:
Noise level, median effective peak width and normalization factor
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This server is last updated at May 16 2024 16:26:26.
This web server and the research that led to it is supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant R01 GM 066041) and SECIM (Southeast Center for Integrated Metabolomics) grant U24 DK097209-01A1