The COLMAR1D database contains spin system matrices and predicted spectra at various field strengths for about 500 metabolites and 666 fragments from the Maybridge library.
Most of these are sourced from the Gissmo database without modification.
Additionally, some experimental spectra have been obtained from the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB)
and our own measurements, followed by spin system matrix optimization.
You can visit COLMAR1D database page to browser all the records
and define a subset for a customized database query.
Step 1 option 1 Time domain data uploading
Bruker fid data format information
You can find raw fid data in the experimental folder, such as your_exp_name/2, where 2 is EXP ID. The file is usually named fid (or ser)
The acquisition status file is usually called acqus (not acqu) in the same folder as the FID data file.
You can also drag and drop fid and/or acqus file, or their parent folder to the box above.
The server will run automatic phase correction, after ZF and FF.
Step 1 option 2, Processed ( frequency domain) data uploading
Please apply zero filling in your processing using nmrPipe command "-zf 2"
Please use the 2PI-Kaiser window function for apodization in the NMRPipe software
with the command “SP -off 0.5 -end 0.896 -pow 3.684” to achieve desired peak shape (Voigt).
Beside nmrPipe .ft1 format, you can also use Topspin text file generated using command "totxt".
You need to keep the imaginary part if you want to run manual phase correction.
Please adjust P0 first, then P1. Anchor point will be set to center of the visible region of the spectrum. Click on "Apply P1" to actually apply the phase correction.
Step 3 Baseline correction (optional)
A appreciate baseline correction can only be defined by the user, based on the experimental conditions. That is, the user need to define the smoothness parameter
and positive spectrum parameter then apply the baseline correction after satisfying result.
The smoothness parameter is the weight of the smoothness constraint in the baseline estimation. The larger the value, the smoother the baseline. Typical values are from 1e8 to 1e13
The positive spectrum parameter is the weight of the constraint that the baseline should be below the spectrum. The larger the value, the less the baseline will be allowed above the spectrum (to accommodate noise). Typical values are from 1.0 to 2.0
Important: phase correction is no longer allowed after baseline correction.
Reference: Baseline Correction for NMR Spectroscopic Metabolomics Data Analysis (Yuanxin Xi and David M Rocke); BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:324
Step 4 Spectrum deconvolution
DEEP Picker model selection
Model 1 was optimized for peak width (defined as Full Width as Half Height) from 8 to 20, with 12 points as optimal value
Model 2 was optimized for peak width from 4 to 12, with 8 points as optimal value
The default model, DEEP Auto, will estimate median peak width, then run cubic spline interpolation to adjust it to 6.0 and apply model 2.
For spectrum with very heterogeneous peak width, set a compromise interpolation step (for model 2). A step of 0.5 means spectral size will be doubled.
Step 5 Database query
Step 6 Global optimization
Sample Wide Peak Width Rescale: Ideally, the theoretical spectrum should match the peak widths of the experimental spectrum.
However, the COLMAR1d server still requires an “overall” rescaling factor to account for experimental variations such as temperature, pH, ionic strength, and shimming.
A "perfect" experiment would have a value of 1.0. The server will automatically fill this value based on the median experimental peak width and the predicted typical peak width.
Compound Overall Peak Width Rescale: In the spin simulation step, COLMAR1d sets R2 uniformly to 3.0 Hz for all peaks of all compounds.
However, compounds may tumble at different rates depending on factors like size, shape, and possible interactions.
This rescale is applied in addition to the sample overall rescale.
Individual Peak Shape: COLMAR1d also allows for individual peak width rescaling, which is applied on top of the sample and compound overall rescale factors.
Peak Fitting Region Cutoff: For most peaks, fitting around the center region may be beneficial.
The default value of 0.8 means only the region above 80% of the peak height is used to model a peak. For low S/N peaks, a value closer to 0.5 may be more suitable.
(optional) Pseudo 2D fitting of multiple spectra
This plot supports pan and zoom operations. You can also pan or zoom on single X or Y axis by setting cursor on X or Y axis.
Deconvoluted peaks will only show when zoomed in to certain scale. Black: experiment; Red: Reconstruction; Green: deconvoluted peaks.
Magenta: total spectrum from all matched compounds